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Writer's pictureMohammed A Rashad

Mastering the art of setting up a home office: 6 simple tips

Updated: Jul 1

1. Embrace the Power of Routine 🕒

Think of your routine as your daily anchor. It's not just about waking up and wearing something other than pajamas (though that helps!). It's about creating a rhythm that signals to your brain, "Hey, it's work time!" and later, "Okay, now it's chill time." It's about having those little rituals that bookend your day, giving you a sense of normalcy in a world where the lines between work and home are super blurry.

2. Break Time is Sacred ☕

Remember, your brain isn’t wired to go at full speed all day. Breaks are like little productivity booster shots. Whether it's a quick walk, a moment with your favorite book, or just staring out the window, these pauses are crucial. They're not just a 'nice to have'; they're a 'need to have' for your mental and emotional well-being.

3. Your Workspace, Your Sanctuary 🏠

Carve out a little nook in your home that’s just for work. This isn't just about physical space; it's about mental space too. When you sit down in your dedicated area, your brain knows it's time to focus. And hey, a comfortable chair and a plant or two can make a world of difference!

4. Stay Connected: Beyond Emails 🌐

Feeling isolated? You’re not alone in feeling alone. Regular check-ins with colleagues can be a lifeline. It’s about maintaining those human connections, which are so easy to lose when we’re all just faces on a screen. And don't forget, a quick call can often solve what 20 emails can't!

5. Boundaries: Your Secret Weapon 🛡️

Setting boundaries is crucial, and it’s a two-way street. It’s as much about telling your family, "Hey, I'm working now," as it is about telling your work, "Hey, I'm logging off now." Remember, being at home doesn't mean being at work 24/7. Your time off is yours - guard it fiercely!

6. Long-Term Game: Evolve Your Home Office 🌟

Finally, think about the long game. Is there a spot in your home that just feels better to work in? A room with more light, perhaps? Or maybe there's a tech upgrade that could make life easier. This is about making your home office a place where you can thrive, not just survive.


“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.” Dalai Lama



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