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How to Shift Fluoroquinolone Prescribing Habits

Updated: Sep 2

Fluoroquinolone and other medicines of different colours.

Every year, thousands of patients are prescribed fluoroquinolones, a powerful class of antibiotics, often without a second thought. Yet, studies reveal that some of these prescriptions are unnecessary, leading to avoidable side effects and contributing to the alarming rise of antibiotic resistance.

How can healthcare providers shift these prescribing habits to ensure patient safety and effective treatment? This blog explores practical strategies to transform fluoroquinolone prescribing practices, aiming for a future where antibiotics are used wisely and responsibly.

Key Takeaways


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What is Fluoroquinolone

Fluoroquinolones are a powerful class of antibiotics used to treat various bacterial infections, including respiratory, urinary tract, and skin infections. They work by inhibiting bacterial DNA synthesis, effectively stopping the growth and spread of bacteria. 

Despite their effectiveness, fluoroquinolones are often overprescribed, leading to unnecessary exposure to their potential side effects and contributing to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.

Fluoroquinolone Prescriptions

Fluoroquinolones are commonly prescribed due to their broad-spectrum activity, which means they can target a wide variety of bacteria. However, this broad-spectrum nature also means they are sometimes used as a first-line treatment when other, more targeted antibiotics might be more appropriate. 

Current Prescribing Practices

Overprescription Trends

The overprescription of fluoroquinolones is a significant concern in healthcare. Studies have shown that many of the fluoroquinolone prescriptions are unnecessary. This overuse is often driven by a lack of awareness about the risks, pressure from patients seeking quick fixes, and the convenience of prescribing a broad-spectrum antibiotic without confirming the specific bacterial cause.

Factors Influencing Prescribing Decisions

Several factors contribute to the overprescription of fluoroquinolones:

  1. Lack of Awareness: Many healthcare providers may not be fully aware of the risks associated with fluoroquinolones or the guidelines for their appropriate use.

  2. Patient Expectations: Patients often expect antibiotics for infections, even when they are viral and do not require such treatment.

  3. Diagnostic Challenges: In some cases, the difficulty in diagnosing the exact cause of an infection leads to the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics as a precaution.

Risks and Concerns

Potential Side Effects

Fluoroquinolones are associated with several serious side effects, including tendonitis, tendon rupture, peripheral neuropathy, and central nervous system effects such as anxiety and confusion. These risks are particularly concerning for older adults and those with pre-existing conditions.

Contribution to Antibiotic Resistance

The overuse of fluoroquinolones contributes to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance. When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics unnecessarily, they can develop resistance, making future infections harder to treat. This not only affects individual patients but also poses a public health risk.

The Need for Fluoroquinolone Prescription Change

Evidence for Change

Research and expert opinions strongly advocate for changing fluoroquinolone prescribing practices. The goal is to ensure these antibiotics are used only when truly necessary and appropriate, reducing the risk of side effects and slowing the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Benefits of Improved Practices

  • Enhanced Patient Safety: Reducing unnecessary prescriptions minimises the risk of adverse effects.

  • Better Health Outcomes: Appropriate use of antibiotics leads to more effective treatment of infections.

  • Public Health Improvement: Slowing antibiotic resistance benefits the broader community by preserving the effectiveness of existing antibiotics.

Strategies for Change

Educating Healthcare Providers

  1. Training and Workshops: Regular training sessions can help healthcare providers stay updated on the latest guidelines and research regarding fluoroquinolone use.

  2. Access to Resources: Providing easy access to resources and decision-support tools can assist in making informed prescribing decisions.

Implementing Guidelines and Protocols

  1. Standardised Protocols: Developing and implementing standardised protocols for prescribing fluoroquinolones can help ensure they are used appropriately.

  2. Review and Feedback: Regularly reviewing prescribing patterns and providing feedback to healthcare providers can encourage adherence to guidelines.

Encouraging Shared Decision-Making

  1. Patient Involvement: Involving patients in decision-making can help manage their expectations and ensure they understand the risks and benefits of antibiotic use.

  2. Clear Communication: Healthcare providers should communicate clearly why an antibiotic may or may not be necessary, helping patients make informed choices.

Role of Patients and Public Awareness

Educating Patients

  • Informative Materials: Providing patients with informative materials about the risks of unnecessary antibiotic use can empower them to make informed decisions.

  • Open Dialogue: Encouraging open dialogue between patients and healthcare providers can help address concerns and reduce the demand for unnecessary antibiotics.

Increasing Public Awareness

  • Public Campaigns: Public health campaigns can raise awareness about the importance of responsible antibiotic use and the dangers of antibiotic resistance.

  • Community Engagement: Engaging with community groups and organisations can help spread the message and encourage responsible behaviour.


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Changing the culture of fluoroquinolone prescribing is a critical step towards ensuring patient safety and combating antibiotic resistance. Educating healthcare providers, implementing effective guidelines, and involving patients in the decision-making process can shift prescribing habits towards a more responsible and effective use of antibiotics. 

This collective effort will lead to better health outcomes and a more sustainable approach to antibiotic use, benefiting both individuals and the broader community.

Ready to optimise your practice's approach to medicines management? The Medicines Management Team (TMMT) is here to support you. With a leadership team of advanced clinical practitioners and experienced GPs, TMMT offers tailored solutions to help your Practice or PCN streamline its medicines management services.

Contact us today to learn more!


Are fluoroquinolones prescribed in the UK?

Yes, fluoroquinolones are prescribed in the UK, but their use is carefully regulated. They are typically reserved for cases where other antibiotics are not suitable, due to their potential side effects and the risk of contributing to antibiotic resistance.

What are the prescriptions for fluoroquinolones?

Are fluoroquinolones still prescribed?

Why was fluoroquinolones banned?



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